
White Chimneys Senior Session | Jamee Alyssa

White Chimneys, GAP PennsylvaniaJAMEE_2015-37White Chimneys Senior SessionJAMEE_2015-50 White Chimneys Senior Session JAMEE_2015-74JAMEE_2015-77 JAMEE_2015-96 JAMEE_2015-121JAMEE_2015-83JAMEE_2015-115 JAMEE_2015-111 JAMEE_2015-142JAMEE_2015-129JAMEE_2015-132White Chimneys, Gap PA for a senior session basically one of the greatest place to photograph!



White Chimneys Senior Session Jamee Alyssa, the sweetest girl. I’ve known her for a little while, and I was so excited when she asked me to capture her senior photo’s at White Chimneys! You know those girls you follow on Instagram that just look like they have a super fun life? Jamee is one of them! She’s always posting these crazy photo’s of her and her horse, friends and boyfriend and I love it. She’s super adorable, as you easily could see- and I love sessions where large animals / any animals are included. It’s so personal and just pulls the session together!

Like I said, we began photographing at White Chimneys in Gap, PA. It’s a gorgeous wedding venue 5 minutes down the road from my house! The endless gardens, and france-like scenes are to die for. Any photographers dream land! After that we drove a few more miles down the Lancaster county countryside (Do I mention too much how I love where I live? I mean, endless fields are dreams in my eyes.) We ended up at a little farm where her boyfriend trains and sells horses, so fun! And a little crooked nose pony greeted us, and we ended up in a gorgeous field loaded with little white flowers and three crosses on the hilltop. All in all, a perfect night. Jamee- you’re adorable!

If you’re looking for a senior session, right now is the absolute perfect time to photograph! I adore getting creative and capturing your personality, feel free to fill out my contact form on the top of our website for more information and pricing on our Senior session collections!


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