I’m so excited to show you Emily’s senior photo’s! This girl is filled with so much vibrancy and beauty. In the midst of crazy wedding season, I still love taking senior photos. It brings me right back to the roots of when I first started photographing, that’s basically all I would do. Weddings were just dreams at that point!Something about it, I just love. It’s prime time for the senior, because they’re graduating soon so of course they’re excited! And there slowly starting their new and own life, so awesome.
Emily is absolutely stunning (obviously) she’s clearly a make-up + hair genius! Which is what she is doing in CTC right now. So clearly, in the future if you need a cosmetologist, this girl is going to rock that world. We had a blast going from different locations and experimenting with beautiful morning light.
And confetti?! What!? So much fun! We found out quickly that getting the perfect pinterest photo with blowing confetti, takes some serious effort. Haha!
All in all, such a beautiful morning and a sweet, sweet girl. Congratulations Emily!