
2015 Child Sponsorship Images | Haiti + Guatemala


This is a post that is truly, truly dear to my heart.I’ll keep it simple, because I want the images and faces to do the speaking.

This year I had the awesome opportunities to travel and photograph in Guatemala and Haiti for two non-profits that I truly adore and respect.  My heart had already been dearly attached to these two particular countries, but going for the particular reason to photograph, was such a crazy experience. It was a dream, yes. But it was also hard. It was a challenge. There literally was blood, sweat, and tears..

It was amazing because I was able to use my talents to literally speak for some of these children who can’t speak for themselves. I was able to help potentially provide a way for them to have a better life. The photographs for Haiti were to help sponsor the children yearly so they can go to school and get a good education, guaranteed. Not all children have the luxury of attending school in general in Haiti, and this is something I witnessed first hand. (which made me think, a lot- we take advantage of schooling and the system to much- bomb threats to have a day off, when children in other countries are dying, literally dying to go to school.) The images in Guatemala are to help provide general necessities, potential counseling, milk, and food.

Both trips were incredibly awesome. It was great to literally just spend time with the children, hangout, tell them how awesome they are and take their picture. So many different eyes and faces that spoke to my heart everyday while photographing. I truly will not forget these faces, and I’m excited for the opportunities to see them again.

I’m excited to announce that for 2016, we will be launching our “non-profit photography’ program. Where we will provide images for local and global non-profits to help spread awareness of the tragedies and hardships of this world. A page with more information will be coming in a few weeks. If you know a local or global non-profit that could use some new images to help spread awareness, please, have them contact us.

Note, a lot of these children are still in need of a sponsor!
The two non-profits these images are for are : Cpr-3 & Orphan Resources International

I hope these images touch your heart as they’ve touched mine.

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