Ben and Lindsay have a lot in common, two of the things being they love coffee and each other. These two people are extremely dear to my heart. Why? Ben’s my brother, and Lindsay my sister-in-law. Me and Ben were basically best buds while growing up. When they asked me to photograph them, I was speechless! Mainly nervous, cause I wanted the images for these two to represent them and of course to be perfect! At the time photographing, it was full of laughter at Square One coffee where they had one of their first dates, and just watching these two lovers interact. I didn’t realize at the time how special this moment was for me until I look back now, and how thankful I am they trusted me with these images and just for their relationship in general!The photoshoot was a blast, walking through the woods and climbing on tree’s. Stuff that me and Ben used to do when we were little, and now stuff him and Lindsay do together! The night ended with my screaming “STOP!” when we passed a gorgeous wheat field, where we quickly jumped out and got some of my favorite images from the session!
Here’s a few of my favorite shots:
Love thiis