
Antigua Guatemala | Portrait Session

Antigua Guatemala photo 2015-130_zpsqhp1smiy.jpg photo 2015-10_zpssxdxovwe.jpgAntigua Guatemala photo 2015-21_zpsgspcenbv.jpgAntigua Guatemala2016-01-08_00022015-128Antigua Guatemala photo 2015-78_zpsyyacdxyu.jpgAntigua GuatemalaAntigua Guatemala2015-146 2016-01-08_0004 2015-164Antigua Guatemala

Antigua Guatemala portrait session my first photography bucket list check off! John and Anna so graciously let me stay at their home in November, and it just seemed like the perfect idea to gift them with images together. Their anniversary was the Monday I left, so it was perfect! Antigua, Guatemala is currently my favorite city in the world. It’s full of vibrant colors, culture, amazing food and amazing architecture. We walked around Antigua, ran into a ton of locals and just had a blast photographing. The rain was coming in, so we had to rush it a little bit- but we had a blast running around the city finding the best spots. John and Ana also did a lot of wedding portraits in Antigua, so it was super awesome to see the places where they took their wedding images and reminisce with them!
I could easily find myself living in this city forever. I hope that you enjoyed some of my favorite images from our session in Antigua! Dreams do come true, I think yes!

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