
NorthBay Adventure Camp | Alycia + Steve

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North Bay Adventure camp, a lovely place for adventure and of course a gorgeous wedding!
I’ve been so excited to share these two sweethearts and the gorgeous sunset at North Bay Adventure camp in, MD.
North Bay Adventure camp is where Alycia and Steve had their lovely reception, in a building right along the bay. The sun was shining gorgeously for them, and these two lovers are to die for.
I’ve known Steve and Alycia for a few years now, and when they asked me to photograph their wedding I couldn’t pass up the offer. These two are so kind, genuine, young and in love. So my young married heart naturally gravitates to these two because they’re so sweet! It was an honor to capture their wedding, and I’m so excited for these two and their new adventure!
Thank you, Alycia and Steve for having me photograph these precious moments.





“If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me…”

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