March 10, 2022
We found ourselves hitting the road early morning as the moon started to say goodbye to another night and the morning sun started to make its way to lighting the earth. Natalie and Mark invited me to join them on a monumental moment during their lives a sunrise vow renewal at the Coral Pink Sand Dunes.
There’s nothing quiet better than a Spring morning spent at the lovely Longwood Gardens in Kennet Square. If you haven’t been to Longwood, be sure to add it to your list of places to spend an afternoon. You’ll be greeted with the most stunning plants, cactus rooms and architecture.
February 24, 2022
February 24, 2022
It’s a perfect day when you’re hanging alongside Haileigh and Brandon which I learned quickly at their engagement session drinking whisky at Stoll and Wolfe Distillery in Lititz!
The deserts of Utah have forever stolen my heart. Add an amazing couple like Taylor and Brandon who just want to adventure and run through those deserts, even better.
February 24, 2022
February 23, 2022
It’s the best feeling when couples who have been waiting for the most magical day of their lives. Hello, Wedding day for Mary Kate and Patrick.
There’s nothing sweeter than a sweet summertime love, the soft sunshine along one of the great lakes and the cutest little corgi pup stealing the show during an engagement session. Ashley and Alex invited me to Tawas Michigan, a place that these two love to visit and vacation.
February 23, 2022
February 22, 2022
2020 was a whirlwind of a year for all of us, but especially couples who were planning their wedding day. It truly was a year of pivoting and making the most out of the times we’re living in. What I loved most was the couples who decided to move forward with their day in an intimate way and not let covid stop their love!
Hannah and Kent have the most amazing anniversary idea that I’ve heard of! Every year they go on an epic adventure together to celebrate their love and take some time off together. And guess what.. they add an adventure session to their anniversary getaway adventure!
February 22, 2022
February 22, 2022
When you envision a summer wedding day in Wrightsville, Pennsylvania which is west of Lancaster you envision sunshine, the perfect breeze and lush greens. Well, Julia and Matthew had a wedding day at Historic Ashland that was just that!
975 days later and the celebration of a lifetime! Yes, you read that correctly. These two waited 975 days after being engaged to say their vows to each other for forever! And what a fine summer day at the French Creek Golf Club it was!
February 16, 2022